*~Semoga Bahagia~*
Aarrrgh! Penat sey...Dah lah tu takleh tido plak...Juz now went to Adha's place coz kat umah dia ade kenduri...Kenduri Arwah adik dia..Dah setahun...Reached there abt 2 plus...Only his bro, his bro fiancee, n cuzzins was there...Nasib blm ramai org lagi lau tak paiseh sey...My mum couldn't make it coz she had a great fall in d bathroom d day b4 yesterday...I wuz in d bathroom in her room coz she wanted to used d kitchen bathroom to bath...Tgh shiok2 isi duit dlm bank suddenly I heard a loud bang outside...Dgn pantas aku lari kat dapor...When I opened there she wuz lying on d bathroom floor dah tak blh bangun...I tried to carry her but she's too heavy 4 me...Not knowing wat 2 do..I went to my bro's room to wake him up...Nasib dia ade...Lau tak tak larat aku nak angkat sowang2...She's better now but can't walk much...Ok ok back 2 Adha's kenduri...Luckily his bro's fiancee(Diana) is friendly lau tak lagi mangkok...Kite 2 je kat dapor...Maklomlah nak ambik hati bakal mak mertua...Hahahah! Guess wat Adha's mum said abt me & Diana to his cuzzins?? Bakal2 anak menantu aku dua2 pendiam...Pendiam?? Aku pendiam?? Hahahah! Nanti makcik...Tunggu lama2 sikit tgk sape yg pendiam... :P...Heheheh...So far all his family & relatives tak sombong...So taklah segan sangat tadi...Yati & her hubby(ceh!ceh!ceh! hubby siak! Hahahah!) came arnd 6...We went back 2gether juz now...
Yesterday plak I went to Bedok Nth to see my mum 'nikah'...Not d same person I'm staying rite now...Wat I mean is, my mum...Real mum...Its been ages since I last saw her...And as my 4 younger bro, ingat nak amik gambar satu family tapi malu plak...For more info u can tune in to my post onSept 05 to see their pic......Dahlah takyah cerita byk2 pasal ni...Malas! Doakan semoga dia berbahagia disamping suami baru...Eh! salah...Suami tercinta...Hahahah!
Its Her...

Tok kadi ni quite young tau...Senyuman nye
manis sekali..Heheheh..

Woohoooo! Yay! Yay! Bapak Baru! :P

Do we have a resemblance??

Tu posing aku yang paling maut tau! Tertonggek2 nak
amik dgn pengantin 'baru'...Hahahah!