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Tuesday, March 28, 2006

*~Goodbye Dear Friends~*
Today wuz supposed to go Wild Wild Wet with my colleague tapi too bad terbangun lambat...Si Sue ni kol ckp dia MC nari so dia ajak jumpa...Went to Wlds to meet her up...Makan kat Mcdonald then meet Sid...Rilek2 skejap je...Tgh lepak2 tu Farouk kol plak...Diorg semua dah kat airport nak alik negeri...Kesian dia...Bebual kat tepon nangis2...Aku pon terikut sama sey...Babi diorg nye boss! Terminate contract diorg walaupon lagi 6 bulan contract diorg abis! Kat keje semua dah mcm adik beradik sey...Ali pon kol..Dia ckp he will b back abt 2 to 3 mth...Tapi tak tau lah...Ni diorg takde mesti sunyi kat tanah merah nanti...Whatever it is I'm happy for them too lah...They will get to meet their family after 4 long years here...*sigh*

{ 12:31 AM }
Reflections of you and me

*~The Return To Bombay Cafe~*
Went to Bombay Cafe with Izah yesterday...Actually planned to go Pasir Ris Park tapi si Lynn tak jadi...So takkan nak gi dgn Izah plak kan...Mcm dating gitu...Hahahah! So...Atlast kite return ke BOMBAY CAFE!!! YAY!!! Hahhahah! Dah pandai tau order....Kite order Vegetable Fried Rice, Mango Lassi, Rasmalai, Samosa, Rocket Kulfi...Banyak tu...Kan budak2 ni tamaon! Hahahah! All was nice except 4 d Rocket Kulfi...Rasa semacam ah...Ntah susah nak describe...D waiter there mesti bingit je layan karenah budak2 2 ekor ni...Ye lah skejap2 panggil waiter...Last year Izah kacau aku dgn mamak misai kan...Skrg dia pon dah ade peminat tau! Mamak Itam!! YAY!!! Mamak tu asik tgkkan Izah aje...Cebedah! Lain kali dpt discount ah makan sana! *LOL* All was nice except videoclip SRK takde...Si Izah ni suruh2 aku tanye waiter tu plak..Kesian nye pasal tanyekanlah...Too bad CD SRK dah rosak! *LOL* Agaknye ramai lagi budak mcm kite request lagu SRK sampai rosak2 CD tu...Hahahha! Dah kembung perut kita isap sheesha plak...And u know wat?!! Diorg mintak IC sak! Klakar pe!! Muka kite ade ke mcm budak2 underage?!! Bingit je part tu!! Bila time nak bayar tu aku adalah nak bayar pakai nets tapi diorg tak accept plak! Dah lah takde cash pada aku dat time...Nasib si Izah ade lau tak kenalah cuci pinggan mangkok lah kite dua org!! Hahahahah! Balik kite gi T.katong withdraw duit...Then naik cab...Aku jumpa Sue kat AMK sbb dia nak jumpa...Kite hang out jap then kul 11 lebih aku alik...
Ni tadi ada news dari kawan aku kat keje...Bhaiyya2 kat TMFT semua dah lari...Dunno wats d reason but all I know is dat I will surely miss them a lot! Tried to call their HP but semua switch off...Asal sey...I know its wierdlah tapi I can tell u dat they r the best Bhaiyyas! Dalam otak diorg cuma keje..keje..keje...Nothing else sey...They work 365 days a year & 16 hrs a day...Kesian kan...They never fail to make u laugh...But know they r no more there...I dun know wat happen...Tak sempat nak ckp goodbye kat diorg... Working without them will be boring from now on....*sob*sob*

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{ 12:21 AM }
Reflections of you and me

Saturday, March 18, 2006


I've turned 24 2 days ago! Dah tua tau! Dah boleh buat anak ah gitu! Hahahah! Kental siak! Tapi kesian birthday2 pon kena keje *sigh* Ape leh buat...Nak carik duit nak kawin...Lagipon ayang keje mlm on dat day...My frens gave me chocolates, chocolates & more chocolates! Hahahah! Makin naik lah berat badan aku nanti...Ayang bought me a TITUS watch...Thanks Ayang...Love u so much!! Btw my supervisor told me dat he had submitted my name to join the bowling tournament 4 AETOS! Siak tul! Bukan nak tanye dulu tau si orang tua tu...Tapi takpe lah...4 fun pon ok pe...Kalah kalah lah...Bukannye aku tau main bowling..Diorang yg pandai2 taruk nama aku sape suruh! Hahahah! Yesterday lepas alik keje met Yati at sgoon ctrl & after dat she slept over at my place...Biasa ah lau dua2 ni jumpa mesti bebual sampai pagi...Ni pon dia baru kuar gi keje dari sini...Ni sambil tunggu ayang amik sempat update...Hehehhe! Btw thanks dear frens( U know who u r) 4 smsing me wishing me birthday! Thanks 4 remembering!

{ 9:27 AM }
Reflections of you and me

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Just came back home...Ayang fetched me...Sayang jugak dia kat aku...Hehehe! Been really chaotic at werk lately...My fren sakina dah tender...Satu2 dah blah...Tinggal lah 2 setan je kat keje...Aku dah takde team..Maklomlah semenjak digelarkan Devil Of TMFT ni teros kena floater...Sape2 yg mc atau leave aku kena cover...Dat means my werking hours is not fix! Haizzz lagi susah lah aku nak kuar nanti...Ape leh buat...Aku ni kan gangster tanah merah as wat my cpl told me...Hahahha! Well...been reaching home late since tues..Asik merayap je...Kemarin ayang ajak gi Jb ngan kawan2 dia...1 of his fren, Adi's birthday so kirakan belanja makan lah...Semua kawan2 dia klakar seram ah...Kutuk sesama sendiri...But overall its nice knowing them...Smlm plak lepak2 ngan Ayang sampai kul 4....Step mcmane tak keje je besok nya...Dah biasa pon tido 2 3 jam...Hhmmm...Btw ni pic budak2 yg suka posing kat keje...Dah lah nak tido ni..Sok keje pagi...See ya...

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{ 1:36 AM }
Reflections of you and me

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Well as usual bz lah ape lagi...Keje! Keje! Keje! Ni pon aru alik keje...Dari kul 7 pagi sampai 11 mlm ni keje penat siol! I volunteer lah OT nari..Datang lah rajin aku ni...Hehehe..It been slacker & slacker at work...Forcing people to do OT lah ape lah! Nonsense! Last week before my off day wuz my half day...I wuz supposed to go home at 11am but last min Abg Emran asked me to do OT at Changi cargo...The most dreaded place dat I hate! (Well most of us do!) WAREHOUSE! I change my uniform pretending to go there but atlast peng kat bedok rilek2! Malas ah! *sigh* But dat doesn't stop me from talking to Ayang on d phone everyday...If not 4 our different working shifts agaknye dah hari2 kite jumpa...Tapi oklah...Dia rajin amik & antar aku alik keje lau dia free...But I can't do anything lau tak dengar suara dia...Ini lah yang dinamakan cinta! Cinta kebabai aku! Macam kemaruk aje! Hahahaha! Btw I've cut my hair short last week...Rimas lah panjang2...Nak simpan panjang tapi lama2 slack...Ayang asked me not 2 cut but tau lah si 'degil' ni...Hahahah! This is d pic I've taken...

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{ 11:57 PM }
Reflections of you and me