You Are 30% Boyish and 70% Girlish |
You're in touch with your feelings, and your heart rules you. A bit of a emotional roller coaster, one moment you're up and the next you're down. But no matter what, you try to be as cute and perky as possible. |
How Am I In Love?
![]() You tend to take more than give in relationships. You tend to get very attached when you're with someone. You want to see your love all the time. You love your partner unconditionally and don't try to make them change. You are fickle and tend to fall out of love easily. You bounce from romance to romance. |
How Is My Inner Child?
Your Inner Child Is Angry |
![]() But when you don't get your way, watch out. Like a very manipulative kid, you will get what you want. Even if it takes a little kicking and screaming. |
ArRrGh! VeRy D SlEePy SiA! ReAcH HoMe At 5Am JuZ NoW...AfTeR WeRk YeStErDaY At 11Pm AdHa PiCk Me Up...HaH AdHa! JgN CaKaP AkU TaNaK KuAr DgN KaU PlAk! Ni DaH KuAr Ni! TaKdE KeJe LaH Tu... MaTa SeBeNaRnYe DaH NgAnTuK TaPi NaK TeMaNkAn DiA NyE PaSaL RiLeK2 SaMpAi KuL 5 PaGi PlAk! TaKpElAh AdHa... SkAlI SkAlA Je....NaNtI KaU CkP AkU NaK PuLaU KaN KaU PlAk! We WeNt To SeMbAwAnG PaRk SeBaB DaH TaKdE IdEa NaK Gi MaNa..BeBuAL2 SaMpAI MaTa AkU TaKlEh BuKaK SiUl! KeJe DaH LaH McM ApE! PeNiNg SeY TgK CoMp HaRi2 DePaN MaTa! KaT UmAh CoMp KaT KeJe PoN CoMp! HaHaHaH! YeStErDAY B4 I WeNt OuT 2 WeRk My BrO, AyIe DrOpBy...He HaD SuMtHiNg 4 Me 2 SiGn...NtAhlAh ApE NtAH...MaKlOm LaH 1St TiMe BeRsUa MuKa! RaSa TeRhARU GiTu! HaHaHaH! TaPi DiA NyE GaNaS!! NaUzUbIlLaH! PaDaHaL AkU TaK CaKaP PaPe PoN KeNa CuBiT! MaKlOmLaH LiKe BrOtHeR LiKe SiStEr! *WiNkS* K Ah JaP AgI NaK Gi WeRk Ni NaK MaNdI Ah! BuHbYe! TaU KaN AkU KeJe ApE?? HaH! Ni DiA!